Environmental Consultancy Services include:
- Environmental Management Systems (ISO 14001, EMAS, BS 8555)
- ISO 14001 auditing
- ISO internal auditing Training
- Environmental Legal Compliance
- Environmental Sustainability Strategy
- Environmental Policy Development
- Waste Minimisation and Management
- Spillage Response
- Environmental Awareness Training
- Environnmental Awarenees for Managers
Environmental Management Systems (ISO 14001, EMAS, BS 8555)
Cambridge Risk Management consultants can support the development of environmental management systems to ISO 14001, EMAS or BS 8555. Staff support and awareness will be raised throughout the process.
Environmental Consultancy support will be provided to identify environmental risks, legislation and potential improvement projects.
ISO 14001 auditing
Cambridge Risk Management can provide second party auditing of environmental management systems against the requirements of ISO14001, EMAS or BS 8555. This can tick off the “internal audit” clause in the ISO 14001 standard. Our “fresh pair of eyes” will identify gaps and potential improvements. This service is often taken in preparation for a certification audit.
Environmental Legal Compliance
Compliance with environmental legislation is checked. Detailed advice and action points are given in a report. A register of relevant legislation can also be provided. An updating service is available, to ensure you remain in touch with changing legislation. Note that this service is currently available for England and Wales.
Environmental Sustainability Strategy
Cambridge Risk Management can help you develop a practical, credible strategy. We will make a close examination of your processes and your stakeholder’s expectations, and develop a strategy with you which will include resource reductions and cost saving opportunities.
Environmental Policy development
Cambridge Risk Management Environmental consultants can help you to develop your Environmental Policy. An Environmental Policy is a public statement of an organisation’s philosophy, intentions, and objectives regarding the environment. A key component of an Environmental Management System, an organisation’s policy outlines recognition of its environmental impact and sets the tone for how environmental performance is to be managed and improved.
Services offered include policy creation, identifying environmental aspects and impacts, legislation compliance and strategies for managing environmental performance.
Waste Minimisation and Management
Reducing waste volumes needs good understanding of current practices. We carefully examine how your waste arises, and where it goes. We can then suggest ways to reduce waste and get better value from your waste collection arrangements.
Spillage Response
Cambridge Risk Management Environmental Consultancy can offer short and practical programmes, aimed at employees who might deal with a spillage up to 200 litres of diesel or other liquid. Includes presentations, desk based and spill simulation exercise.